ANWSD/MAUSD Merger Study Committee Meeting

Past event
Jan 18, 2022, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

The committee charged with studying the possibility of a merger between the Addison Northwest and Mount Abe school districts will be meeting on Tuesday, Jan 18th at 6:30 pm. For the agenda and other information please see the website:

Here are some FAQs about the committee and its work:

Q: What is the purpose or work of the committee anyway?
A: The Committee's charge is to recommend, or not, the formation of a merger to the electorate of ANWSD and MAUSD. This process is outlined in statute, 16 VSA § 706b, and the Committee must work within the parameters of the charge and the law.

Q: Does the committee really need to pay an advisor who is not a stakeholder in either district to help them?
A: Yes. The advisor knows the laws and processes in a way that Committee members do not -- we represent a wide variety of residents from the two districts but do not have the expertise or knowledge to navigate the legal process we have been charged with. Her experience is an invaluable resource to the committee members, and makes the process more transparent and reliable. She is not involved in any decision making or discussion aside from answering our questions and explaining our tasks.

Q: Is it the committee's job to decide whether or not the two districts will merge?
A: No, only to make a recommendation based on findings. The decision of whether or not to merge, if recommended by the Committee and approved by the Vermont State Board of Education, is made by you, the voters.

Q: Will there be a vote on this issue on Town Meeting Day in March?
A: No. The Committee is using November 2022 as the proposed date of a vote for planning purposes. The two school boards originally requested a vote in March, but the Committee needed more time to carefully study the issue and formulate a plan to examine before deciding whether or not to recommend a merger.

Q: What is the Committee doing after all these meetings? Where are we now in the process?
A: After considerable study and discussion, and to complete its charge, the Committee is developing Articles of Agreement for a Unified Union Supervisory District, which would be formed by a merger of ANWSD and MAUSD. Once modeled, the Committee will decide whether or not to recommend this option to voters for their approval, or not. Again, the decision as to whether or not the merger happens and the Articles are approved, is made by voters.

Q: Could the Committee please consider other forms of coordination, collaboration, or cooperation between the two districts, without formally merging the administrative functions?
A: Other ideas and options for the future of the schools and education in the region are the responsibility of the existing boards of ANWSD and MAUSD. The Committee is following ANWSD and MAUSD Boards' work closely as part of the merger study process. The only charge of the Committee is to study a merger, create the best possible model for how the merger would be accomplished, and decide whether or not to recommend it to the voters.

Q: What about school closings?
A: The proposed articles concerning the process of school closures are under consideration and public comment on this topic has been heard and is very valuable on this point. The articles that the Committee formulates can address this or can leave the question of school closures up to the new Board that would be formed if the voters did decide, based on the proposal, to merge the districts. The Committee itself is not responsible for closing any schools or not. At the present moment school boards and towns have that responsibility as outlined in the articles that established the two separate school districts.

On a personal note, as a resident of Ferrisburgh, I would like to encourage especially participation from people in the ANWSD to attend or to contact the Committee with your thoughts and opinions. Many people from MAUSD have spoken up with their concerns, but I also and primarily am on the committee to represent you, my neighbors, and I would love to hear more from you. And a big thank you to those who have attended and participated in the public comment portion of the meetings and in our Zoom event in November.

I hope to see you on Tuesday!


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Meeting ID: 818 1825 1784
Passcode: A9qaH8

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