The Essex Selectboard has a regular meeting the evening of TUESDAY, January 18. This is a hybrid meeting that will be held remotely using the ZOOM meetings platform and in person at the Town Offices at 81 Main St., Essex Junction. A public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2023 capital budget and five-year plan for the Town of Essex will begin at 6:35. Masks are required if attending in person. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend remotely, if possible. Full agendas and packets are available at The agenda and website contain links to join the meeting electronically, and call-in information to join by phone.
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial 1 (888)-788-0099 toll free
Meeting ID: 987 8569 1140
Passcode: 032060
6:35 pm -Public Hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2023 capital budget and five-year plan
Business Items
- Consider adoption of fiscal year 2023 capital budget and five-year plan
- *Interview and potential appointment to Economic Development Commission: Ken
- Consider 30-day extension of Town of Essex Rule Requiring Wearing Face Coverings
Indoors in Public Spaces
- Consider approval of statement in regards to Village of Essex Junction separation from
Town of Essex
- Consider request from Conservation and Trails Committee to increase membership to nine seats
- Consider authorizing Unified Manager to sign letter in support of Unified Planning Work
Program requests
- Discussion and potential action about including retail cannabis opt-in vote on Town Meeting ballot
- **Discussion and potential action on tentative agreements about shared services between Town of Essex and independent City of Essex Junction
- Discussion and possible action about Town Meeting process and ballots
- Discuss and assign Selectboard outreach efforts for Town Meeting
- *Consider appointment to Conservation and Trails Committee: Erin De Vries,
Stephen Dowd, Ken Signorello
- Consider approval of Consent Items: minutes of December 20, 2021 and January 3, 2022; approve check warrants.
For more information please contact Deputy Manager Greg Duggan at 878-1341 or
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