VOEF Special Meeting Jan. 18

Past event
Jan 18, 2022

Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees
January 18, 2022

Location: Village Office, 16 Village Drive or via Zoom.

All members of the public are actively encouraged to attend, and may do so by using any electronic device with internet access, including personal computer, tablet, smart phone, etc. or by dialing in with a phone.

For internet access, please open a web browser, and go to the following address: Zoom.us/join you will be prompted for a meeting ID, please enter 282 966 1758.

For telephone access, please dial 802-933-5544.
You will be prompted for a meeting ID, please enter 282 966 1758#.

Time: 6:30pm

6:30 1. Modifications/Changes to Agenda
6:35 2. Public Comment
6:40 3. 2022 Draft Budget
8:00 4. Other Business
8:05 5. Executive Session: Personnel
8:20 6. Adjourn

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