The Williston Selectboard will meet on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 7 PM. The Town is offering a hybrid meeting set-up for public participation. Attend the meeting in-person at the Beckett/McGuire Meeting Room at Town Hall, or by using the video conference platform zoom. Please note, in person meeting attendees are required to wear a mask due to COVID-19. Copied below is a summary of the meeting agenda.
The agenda packet for the meeting, and information how to connect to the meeting using zoom can be viewed on the Town website at the following link:{64C428D2-3196-43EF-9446-6BD[...]EE}
Williston Selectboard Agenda - January 18, 2022
1 . Call to Order
2 . Minutes - January 4, 2022
3 . Public Comment - General Issues
4 . 2021 Equalization Study Report- Receive update from Assessor and consider appeal
5 . Interviews/Appointments for Town Volunteer Boards- Interview applicants for Energy Committee, interview and consider appointment of applicant to Development Review Board and applicant to Social Services Funding Committee
6 . Face Covering Rulemaking Extension- Consider extending Face Covering Rule 30 days 7 . Ordinance - Public Events (Rewrite of Public Festivals)- Review updated ordinance draft and consider scheduling public hearing
8 . Regional Unified Planning Work Program List for Williston- Review and consider approving projects for 2022 work plan
9 . Capital Budget & Program - Fiscal Year 2023- Consider adopting the budget and program for fiscal years 2023 through 2028 for Town Meeting
10 . General Fund Budget - Fiscal Year 2023- Consider adopting the General Fund budget for Town Meeting
11 . Allocations for Firefighter Hiring in FY 2022- Consider designating ARPA and reserve funds for capital and operating expenses for hiring firefighters in FY 22
12 . Necessity Resolution - Ambulance Financing- Consider adopting necessity resolution for Town Meeting- article for short term borrowing for ambulance financing
13 . Town Meeting Warning - 2022- Review and consider approving Town Meeting Warning
14 . Appointments to Town Volunteer Board- Consider appointments to the Town Energy Committee
15 . Manager's Report
16 . Other Business
17 . Adjournment
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