Tuesday, January 18, 2022 – 7:30 pm
7:30 pm Call to Order
**Administrative Items (Warrants, minutes, other administrative items as needed)
** Executive Session (closed session)
The Selectboard will enter into Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of 1 V.S.A.§ 313(a)(3), for the purpose of discussing personnel matters.
** Adjourn
Note: The physical, staffed location for this meeting (for those who do not wish to attend remotely) is downstairs in the Town Office. Selectboard members are attending via Zoom which is available to the public. For the access link, visit the Town website and scroll down to the Selectboard meeting: https://www.huntingtonvt.org/town-news-and-events/ Toll-free telephone call-in number: 888-788-0099 ID:931 1259 8936 Passcode: 4344779
If you have questions about how to access the meeting or are having trouble connecting when the meeting starts, call 434-4779.
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