Preview of City Council Meeting Jan. 10

Past event
Jan 10, 2022, 7 PM


The City Council will be meeting tomorrow, January 10, 2022, in the Bushor Conference Room starting at 7:00 p.m. The meeting is being held via Zoom and in person although given COVID and Omicron, the Council President is encouraging participation via Zoom.
Those interested in participating via Zoom need to use the following link: The meeting can also be seen on Channel 17 (Burlington Telecom) or via YouTube at To participate in Public Forum via ZOOM those interested need to sign at

We will being our meeting with a housing update from Richard Cate, UVM Vice President for Finance and Administration. Following the presentation, public forum will begin at a time certain of 7:30 p,m. Our deliberative agenda will then be taken up that consists of the following matter: (a) a presentation from Superintendent Flanagan on the school budget; (b) a public hearing regarding downtown tax incremental financing Great Streets Project- that will appear on the ballot on town meeting day. The proposed ballot item seeks voter approval to borrow up to $25,920,000. If approved, this borrowing would be repaid from incremental property tax revenues from the Downtown TIF District without raising property tax rates on Burlington taxpayers. These funds will be used to rebuild Main Street to the City's Great Streets standards from South Union Street to Battery Street. St. Paul Street between Main and Maple was recently redone to the Great Streets standards. The project scope of work also includes relocation of the portion of the so-called "ravine sewer" from its present location crossing mid-block from College Street to Main Street in the block between South Union and South Winooski Avenue; (c) a resolution to create a General Aviation taskforce; (d) an ordinance amendment regarding timing and compliance for energy efficiency standards in multi unit housing; (d) an ordinance amendment regarding prequalification of construction contractors - responsible contractors.

Please contact me with any questions or comments on the agenda.

Stay safe.

Chip Mason

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