On Wednesday evening, January 12 at 6:30 pm Andy Davis will present an introduction to the use of Robert's Rules in public meetings. The event is sponsored by the Steering Committee of the Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting (RTM). It will take place on Zoom and will last about one hour and will include an opportunity to ask questions. The link to join the meeting is https://links.dancingmasters.com/tjeyb7 Meeting ID: 885 2334 8254 Passcode: 30439.
Andy Davis will review how Robert's Rules function in Brattleboro's annual Representative Town Meeting. Although these rules are in use in nearly every Vermont Town Meeting many of us find them confusing, at the outset. Using Robert's Rules ensures a fair and structured method of decision-making in deliberative bodies, boards and committees. Understanding the basics of Robert's Rules enables members of RTM to participate effectively. Robert's Rules become less intimidating with experience and understanding. This session is open to all, including past, present and future "town reps".
The RTM Steering Committee encourages people to consider running for a seat on Brattleboro's 2022 Representative Town Meeting. Petitions to be on the ballot for RTM need to be turned into the town clerk by Monday, January 24. You can get petition forms from the town clerk's office, now. Voting will take place on Tuesday, March 1 and Representative Town Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 19.
Andy Davis joined RTM as a District 3 representative in 2009. He is an educator who taught music in Brattleboro Town Schools and other elementary schools in Windham County for number of decades.
Mar 6, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
Re: BBCC Coffee KlatchMar 7, 2025, 8 to 10 AM
Wool Crafters at the MFL Every FridayMar 7, 2025, 10:30 AM to 12 PM