The Essex Planning Commission will meet to review development applications and discuss local planning topics. Members of the public may attend in-person at the Town Offices, 81 Main Street, Essex Junction, VT or remotely via the following methods:
• Join via Microsoft Teams (depending on your browser, you may need to call in for audio, see below).
• Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 590 879 654 #
• If available, watch Town Meeting TV's live stream from their website (, YouTube Channel, or Comcast channel 1087 (channel 17 for other cable providers).
• Public wifi is available at the Essex municipal offices, libraries, and hotspots listed here:
Agenda items include:
1. Public Comments
2. Consent Agenda:
• SITE PLAN AMENDMENT: Pidgeon Brothers, d/b/a Rail Park, LLC: Proposal to bring 287 River Road into compliance for the continued operation of a contractor's yard located at 287 River Road in the Industrial (I1) Zone. Tax Map 4, Parcel 7.
• BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT: Brad & Renee LaFountain: Proposal to convey 2.94 acres to 109 Brigham Hill Road from 113 Brigham Hill Road located in Agricultural Residential District (AR). Tax Map 14, Parcels 15-602 & 18.
• BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT: Towers Trust & John Doane d/b/a Essex Cubed Property, LLC: Proposal to convey 0.12 acres from 108 Center Road to 110 Center Road located in the Center (CTR) & Business Design Control (B-DC) Overlay. Tax Map 58, Parcels 1 & 3.
3. PRELIMINARY/FINAL & BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT-PUBLIC HEARING: Towers Trust & Sally Fleury A Revocable Living Trust: Proposal for a 6-lot subdivision located at 108 Center Road & 18 Towers Road in the Center (CTR) & Business Design Control (B-DC) Overlay. Tax Map 58, Parcels 1 & 1-3.
4. Minutes: December 9, 2021
5. Other Business
• Housing
Mar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 7:45 PM
Vanish Documentary Film on PBSMar 6, 2025, 8 to 9:30 PM
Eyha CalcuttaMar 8, 2025, 4 to 8 PM