The Essex Planning Commission will have a site visit on Old Stage Road at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 22, followed by a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room at the Town Offices, 81 Main Street. The agenda includes the following items:
5:30 p.m.
- Site visit: Meet at 319 Old Stage Road to look at proposed building envelopes.
6:30 p.m.
- Public comments
- Workshop on proposed changes to the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations. The May 22 workshop will focus on conservation subdivision regulations, which aim to protect the Town's rural character by limiting where development can occur on individual parcels and requiring the preservation of some open space. Roughly speaking, the Conservation Subdivision Regulations would affect land in the northern half of Essex. More specifically, the proposed regulations would apply to the Low Density Residential (R1, 1-acre zoning), Agricultural Residential (AR, 3-acre), and Conservation (C1, 10-acre) zoning districts.
Other proposed zoning and subdivision changes relate to the following: Resource Preservation District - Industrial (RPD-I) zoning district; performance standards for noise, vibration, air pollution and more; telecommunications standards; agricultural use revisions; and minor housekeeping items. The Planning Commission originally approved many of the amendments in 2012, but the changes were never reviewed by the Selectboard.
The draft zoning and subdivision regulations can be found online by visiting the Community Development webpage at or clicking on the following links:
DRAFT ZONING: http://[...]pdf
- Public hearing for a Sketch Plan review of a five-lot Residential Planned Unit Development on 154.27 acres at 57 Saxon Hill Road. The proposed subdivision includes four residential lots ranging in size from 22 acres to 27.5 acres. The fifth lot would be 55.57 acres of undeveloped open space.
- Minutes from May 8, 2014
- Other business
The full agenda is available online at (Local Government > Boards & Committees > Planning Commission > Agendas). For more information about any of the applications, please visit the Community Development Department at 81 Main St., call 878-1343 or email
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