Proposed Zoning Changes - Planning Commission Public Hearing
January 26, 2022, 7pm, Town Office (and via Zoom)
The Planning Commission is proposing changes to the Zoning Regulations for home occupation contractor yards and home occupation vehicle repair services. The proposed changes strive to make new home occupation contractor yards more possible, while still ensuring a public review process with adequate standards to respect the use of neighboring residential properties. The changes also revise the review standards for home occupation vehicle repair services. These revisions were developed by the Planning Commission over the last couple years to implement action item 4.3.5 in the Town Plan.
Don't worry if you're sensing some deja vu. Public hearings on these zoning changes were held in April and August of 2021. Based on feedback at the August 4, 2021 hearing, the Select Board sent the proposal back to the Planning Commission for refinements. After more discussion, the Planning Commission added limited allowances for outdoor processing of materials (contractor yards) and for outdoor work on vehicles (vehicle repair services). The revised proposal now requires new public hearings before it can be acted on by the Select Board.
Find the proposal and a background/summary report online at Contact me with questions or comments.
Alex Weinhagen
Director of Planning & Zoning, Town of Hinesburg - Planning/Zoning page
10632 Route 116, Hinesburg, VT 05461
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