Sustainable Charlotte and the Charlotte Library are jointly hosting a book discussion of Paul Hawken's newest book, "Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation." We'll begin, via zoom, on January 18 at 7 pm and continue for the following 10 weeks, ending on March 29. Each section of the book is filled with amazing information and deserves its own discussion.
This is a hopeful book, filled with fascinating and inspiring stories of regenerative activities from around the world and anyone can find something that will urge them into some new action.
Penguin Books, the publisher of this book writes: "Regeneration weaves justice, climate, biodiversity, equity, and human dignity into a seamless tapestry of action, policy, and transformation. It is the first book to describe and define the burgeoning regeneration movement spreading rapidly throughout the world—an inclusive and multifaceted undertaking that aims to end the climate crisis in one generation. As Jane Goodall writes in her foreword, 'Regeneration is a rebuttal to doomsayers who believe it is too late.'"
In this book, Hawken states:
To reverse the climate crisis, the majority of humanity needs to be engaged. 98% of the world is not.
To get the attention of humanity, humanity needs to feel it is getting attention.
To save the world from the threat of global warming, we need to create a world worth saving.
To succeed, climate solutions must directly serve our children, the poor, and the excluded.
This means we must address current human needs, not future existential threats, real as they are.
For more information, please contact the library: or 802.425.3864. Please register in advance by December 16:
For more information about Sustainable Charlotte, either go to the website at or contact Ruah Swennerfelt at
Copies of the book will be available at the library by December 22.
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