"Braiding Sweetgrass" Book Discussion

Past event
Jan 11, 2022, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Register here: https://rokeby.org/visit/programsevents/

Join the Charlotte Library and Rokeby Museum for a discussion of this iconic and inspirational book. Selected by SlowFood Books as its network-wide read for 2021, "Braiding Sweetgrass," invokes ideals of looking inward, and figuring out how we fit into the bigger picture."

As Slow Books Curator Cedar Schimke (MN) puts it, "When we talk about the culture of food we tend to do it through a lens and with an ideology that goes unseen at worst, unexamined at best. In one fell swoop, Robin Wall Kimmerer shows us a different way of being in relationship with food. And in showing us that each fruit on an apple tree or kernel of corn has its own personality, she automatically highlights the transactional void left by a food system steeped in mainstream, capitalist, patriarchal values. This is a book that warms the heart and the belly. It is as full of grief as it is of triumph—a story of radiance, relationship, and wholeness."

Copies available at the Charlotte Library circulation desk.

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