Christmas Eve at First Congregational Church

Past event
Dec 24, 2021

FCCEJ invites you to join us as we celebrate Christmas Eve!

At 5pm we will have a family service with carols, cocoa, campfire, and a retelling of the story of Jesus' birth. We'll stand around the nativity scene in front of the church and have a joyous celebration! Bundle up and be there! Feel free to bring a chair if standing will be a hardship.

At 9pm we are having an online service of Lessons and Carols. Hear the beloved scriptures and timeless hymns proclaiming the birth of our savior. Our Sanctuary Choir will provide special music along with special guest musicians. This service is streaming only and not in person.

At 11pm, we will gather for an in-person service in the Sanctuary. We will share the sacrament of Holy Communion and raise our voices in song together, accompanied by Finally @ First Praise Band. The service will culminate in candlelight.

First Congregational Church wishes you all a safe and joyous holiday!

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