The United Church of Northfield will hold a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. The church will not be open for in person worship on Christmas Eve. Not wanting to create a potential Covid spreader event, the church leadership made the decision to record the service for everyone's safety.
The Zoom service is prerecorded with quality audio and video and will be aired at 7:00 pm and accessed using the following link:
Although prerecorded, we will still present our traditional lessons and carols evening service that concludes with passing the flame to the quiet sounds of Silent Night. At home, you are invited to light your own candles. Hear the magic in the story we long to hear again, let the carols lift your spirit, and the candle light warm your soul. This service is for all ages and all who need another dose of the holy before Christmas arrives. Join us on Zoom for the traditional holiday celebration that never disappoints.
All other worship will continue in-person with the option to join by zoom and wearing a mask is required, regardless of vaccination, for all in-person worship.
Donations can be made through the website:, or by mail: P.O. Box 188, Northfield, VT. 05663