Pop Up Health Insurance Help/Info New Improvements

Past event
Dec 13, 2021, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Come join us tomorrow for a Pop-Up Health Care Insurance Informational and Help Meeting -

You won't want to miss hearing about the good news related to health care insurance.
The meeting is Monday December 13th 6:30-7:30 on zoom (you must pre-register and information is below).

Please register in advance for this meeting, here:

If you buy your health insurance on the individual market, it's important to review your options.
Open enrollment ends on January 15, 2022, so this meeting is timely for learning more and having the time to enroll.

Staff experts from Vermont Health Connect will be attending to answer your questions about Open Enrollment and to help.
House Speaker Jill Krowinski has arranged to have Sean Sheehan and Zachary Goss from the Office of the Vermont Health Access join us.

Additionally, we will share more information on improvements the Vermont legislature has made and is working on to address:

1) The cost of living in general, and the cost of health care, is a concern for Vermonters. Lowering health care costs continues to be a top priority. We will share updates about other ways the legislature has made access to health care more affordable and inclusive.

Affordability: There is a lot that is new in terms of who is eligible and the new subsidies to make health care insurance more affordable. A couple of quick highlights:
* Lower Health Care Premiums for Many Vermonters: If you buy your health care insurance as an individual on Vermont Health Connect, your premiums may be lower! Individuals should now be paying no more than 8.5% of their income on health insurance.
* Small businesses with fewer than 100 employees and individuals purchasing health insurance outside of their workplaces can save substantial dollars on health care premiums because of: Increased federal funding subsidies applied to offer health care premium support; and a change in Vermont law that will enable Vermonters and small businesses, nonprofit, and municipalities to access federal fund subsidies and tax credits.
2) Access: We know that many Vermonters do not have a fair and just opportunity to be healthy. Looking at who has access to health care, including mental health services, as well as morbidity, and health outcomes/statistics, point out significant disparities across the Green Mountain State, based on race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability status. Work is under way to begin to break down the barriers and improve access for all Vermonters.

We have guest speaker, Representative Lori Houghton, Ranking Member of the House Health Committee coming to share more of the changes that have been made and that are underway to address access and affordability.

Please register in advance for this meeting, here:

State Representative & Speaker of the House Jill Krowinski
State Representative Tiff Bluemle
State Representative Bob Hooper
State Representative Curt McCormack
State Representative Carol Ode
State Representative Barbara Rachelson
State Representative Gabrielle Stebbins

Thank you so much. Hope you will join us.
Representative Barbara Rachelson Chittenden 6-6

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