1st Annual Poultney Xmas Lights Bike Ride

Past event
Dec 15, 2021, 6:30 to 9:30 PM

Join Analog Cycles and the East Poultney General Store for the first annual Poultney X-Mas lights ride.

How much? It's free!

Who: You and a bunch of other cyclists. Kids who can easily pedal 4 miles can come along, if they have lights and a helmet. Very flat course!

Where: East Poultney General Store

When: Wednesday December 15th 6:30
Pm sharp, or earlier by a bit. It's cold, no one likes hanging around for stragglers. We'll drink hot cider, ride to Poultney, do a little loop then ride back to East Poultney, where we'll do a bonfire at Analog.

What is it?: A X-mas lights ride around town. A few miles, casual pace, mostly flat. We ride as a big group, no one gets spit off the back.

What do I bring: A bike, a rear blinky light or enough battery powered xmas lights that you dont need a blinkie. Gotta decorate your bike.

The Competition: We'll be giving out good prizes for the top 3 decorated bikes. Employees can't compete, so don't worry about that. Any December holiday counts, so do whatever you want on that front. The bigger, the better.

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