Training to Work in Prisons or with Justice Centers June 4

Past event
Jun 4, 2014, 4:30 PM

People who want to volunteer for work in the Correctional Center or with the Justice Center(s) - it's great and satisfying work that yields results - are required to take various training to volunteer. The Newport Community Justice Center will offer basic and PREA training on Wednesday, June 4 starting at 4:30 pm til 6:00ish. The training is interesting and the group is lively. Food provided by Montgomery's Cafe. All CURRENT volunteers are required to have PREA training, and we welcome those who are THINKING about volunteering to get this taken care of. It's not hard!

We need more volunteers for both reparative boards and CoSA work. Even if you have an hour a week, you can make a great volunteer.

To learn more, contact the Newport Community Justice Center Inc at 802.487.9327 or email us at

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