Selectboard Seeks Public Input on Covid Grant Spending

Past event
Dec 7, 2021, 6 PM

Barre Town is receiving $2.3 million in federal funds to help our community recover from the impact the pandemic has had, and invest in the future. (You may see these funds referred to as CLFRF, which stands for Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, or ARPA, after the American Rescue Plan Act that created the funding program.)

*The Selectboard welcomes public input on how to best spend these funds.*

PLEASE NOTE, what the town is allowed to spend the money on is limited to six big categories:
-public health
-negative economic impacts
-services to disproportionately impacted communities
-premium pay
-infrastructure (wastewater stormwater, drinking water, and broadband)
-revenue replacement
-related administrative expenses.

For more details on what's allowed under these six categories, click here.

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-Contact a Selectboard member. Contact information is here:
-Participate in an Selectboard meeting. The next time this topic will be on the agenda is tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 at 6:00pm. You may attend in person, masked, at 149 Websterville Rd, or call into the meeting: 802-477-1200, participant code 489078.

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