Winooski City Council Meeting

Past event
Dec 6, 2021, 6 to 9 PM

I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Review
IV. Public Comment
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval: City Council Minutes of 11/15/2021
B. Approval: Accounts Payable Warrant as of 12/02/21 and Payroll Warrant for period 8/22/21-11/13/21 and 11/14/21-11/27/21
VI. Council Reports
VII. City Update
VIII. Public Hearing - 6:00 PM
A. Molly's Way Private Street (64 LaFountain Street) - J Rauscher
B. Approval: Mollys Way (Private Street) - J Rauscher
IX. Regular Item
A. Approval: Event Permit - Waking Windows - H Carrington
B. Discussion: Town Meeting TV Presentation
C. Discussion/Approval: Consideration of Local Mask Mandate - W Harrison
D. Discussion: FY23: Budget Presentation and General Government - W Harrison
E. Approval: Winooski Small Business Loan Committee Appointment - H Carrington
F. Discussion: Housing Discussion - K Lott, J Duncan
G. Discussion/Approval: Pupil Weighting Study Task Force - K Lott
X. Executive Session
A. Executive Session Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. Section 313 (1) (F) confidential attorney-client communications made for the purpose of providing professional legal services to the body - Champlain Housing Trust - 32 Malletts Bay Ave
B. Executive Session Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. Section 313 (2) the negotiation of real estate purchase or lease options related to Lot 7D (Abenaki Way)
XI. Adjourn

Please note, this meeting covers the Overall Budget & General Government presentation of the FY23 Budget Process. Community members are encouraged to participate! To learn more about the FY23 Budget Process, please visit

During the meeting, Winooski City Council will also discuss and potentially approve a COVID-19 municipal mask mandate.

Download the agenda:

Attend online:
Attend by phone: 1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 822 0446 9704
Attend in-person: Winooski City Hall (27 West Allen Street, masks & 6' distancing required)

Please read our Remote Meeting Procedures if you plan to participate via Zoom:

To sign up for public comment via Zoom, fill out our Public Comment Request Form or call 802 655 6410 to schedule:

Questions regarding this meeting can be sent to Carol Barrett, City Clerk: 802 655 6410 /

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