The Mad River Valley/Northfield Christmas Bird Count or CBC will be held on Friday, December 17th this year. This annual Audubon count has provided over 120 years of Citizen Science data on the health of bird populations nationally and guides conservation action.
Teams of birders will be out all day scouring the landscape for every single bird we can find. You can participate in this effort in several ways. If you feed birds regularly, especially during December and January, let us know so we can be sure to include your feeders in our stops that day. If you'd like to become more involved, participate as a Feeder Watcher which entails committing to watching your feeder(s) for at least two 15 minute sessions. Lastly, if you have seen any interesting or unusual birds, let us know.
To participate in any of these ways contact
Jan 13, 2025, 5:30 to 8 PM
Sharon Academy Open House at Spice StudioJan 14, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Calling All Counselors, Therapists, and HealersJan 17, 4 PM to 10 AM, Jan 24, 2025