Native Solstice Traditions December 4th at the Grange
Patty Manning, a trained cultural interpreter, will share Native traditions surrounding the solstice, from 5:00 to 6:00 PM. Everyone who is vaccinated is welcome to join us in the Hall on Rt12 in Berlin, or join us via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 826 1666 4552 Passcode: 381729 (To join by phone: 646.558-8656)
Patty is Wampanoag and her teachings have been passed to her from Lakota tribal elders Grandfather Henry and Grandfather Dion, and also from Lakota tribal members Marian and Chubb Whitemouse. Patty has been employed by the State of VT as a cultural interpreter at the State Parks and at the State Historical Center. She has also made presentations at a number of schools and camps.
Patty worked for six years at the Dawnland Center, a non-profit center for native people, where she conducted many ceremonies, as well as teaching with other staff, and helped to run three powwows a year. Patty and her family also sang with a drum group which performed at powwows; she also led a drumming workshop at the VT Folklife Center.
Carl Etnier, Lecturer at CCG#469, will also be speaking with Patty on his show "Relocalizing Vermont" on WGDR, 91.1 FM, on Thursday, Dec. 2nd from 9:30 to 11:00 AM. You can also stream the station from:
A brief Grange meeting will precede the program 4:30 to 5:00 PM
Merry Shernock, Rental Agent & Treasurer
Capital City Grange #469
PO BOX 234
Northfield Falls, VT 05664
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