Hi All,
With the holidays and school vacation last week, several people who wanted to attend my "Mother's Toolkit" class were unable to find the time. Therefore, I am offering an encore Zoom class this week for anyone who would like to attend.
This class focuses on the simple, yet powerful things we, as caregivers, can do to bring comfort to our loved ones in times of illness. Lifestyle changes, essential oils, supplements, and more can be used to help people feel better. Get tips and recipes at this fun and informative class.
Class is Thursday, December 2 on Zoom at 8:00pm. Join at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89462149523?pwd=Qjh0Vkk3NXV6Nm5CcDhtakd3dDlmdz09#success
Contact Virginia Lapierre (802-595-9712 or vlapierre@comcast.net) for more information.