Greetings Neighbors:
Our next Ward6 Neighborhood Planning Assembly will be this upcoming Thursday December2 from 6:30-8:00pm. We are continuing with a hybrid model, where we will have our physical location open at the Greek Orthodox Church, 600 South Willard Street, on the corner of South Willard and Ledge Road at the well as our online Zoom meeting (link below).
This month we are featuring a panel on 'Downtown BHS', including some of our south end students, giving us their impressions of what is and is not working...along with the plans coming together for the future. Hope to see you Thursday!
6:30 Public Forum
6:40 Burlington High School, Present and Future
Clare Wool, Burlington School Board, Chair
Jeff Wick, Burlington School Board, Vice Chair
Ailsa O'Neil-Dunne, Burlington High School Student
Sylvan Franklin, Burlington High School Student
7:10 Calahan Park Master Plan Update
Sophie Suave, Burlington Parks, Recreation and Waterfront
7:25 ISGOOD (Isham Street Gardening and Other Optimistic Doings) Pilot Project
Brian Cina, ISGOOD Member, VT State Representative (Chittenden 6-4)
7:35 VT House of Representatives Update
Tiff Bluemle, VT State Representative (Chittenden 6-5)
Gabrielle Stebbins, VT State Representative (Chittenden 6-5)
Online meeting information:
1. Join via Zoom: (Meeting ID: 810 2785 6568, No Password)
2. Call in for audio only: 1-929-205-6099 meeting ID:81027856568
3. Watch live online:
Subscribe to the ward6 npa newsletter at
best regards,
Matt Grady
Ward6 NPA Steering Committee
Mar 10, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
DeGoesbriand Council Pancake BreakfastMar 11, 2025, 9 to 11:30 AM
Me2 Orchestra: “A Night at the Opera”Mar 11, 2025, 7:30 to 8:30 PM