Outdoor Adventure at Sheep Hill

Past event
Dec 1, 2021, 3:30 to 5 PM

On Wednesday, December 1, from 3:30–5pm, Devin Franklin of Flying Deer Nature Center and Anne O'Connor of the First Congregational Church will bring us a fun time of nature connection and adventure as we explore the grounds of Sheep Hill and "Bullock's Ledge." All ages are welcome! Children ages 5 and up will join Devin at Bullock's Ledge, while younger children and parents stay at Josiah's Pond for outdoor play and nature-based movement led by Anne. The program is free—though registration is required. No postponements: We'll get outside, rain or shine!

A second session is also planned for December 8.

RSVP to education@firstchurchwilliamstown.org to reserve your place(s). Feel free to invite a friend!

Program hosted by First Congregational Church of Williamstown and open to all, regardless of religious affiliation (or not!).

December 1, 3:30-5pm
Sheep Hill, Cold Spring Road, Williamstown, MA
Outdoor Adventure with Devin Franklin of Flying Deer Nature Center & Anne O'Connor of First Church Williamstown
RSVP: education@firstchurchwilliamstown.org

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