"I Love Lucy," All in the Family," "Cheers," "Mash," "Seinfeld"... The list goes on and on.
Come celebrate 50+ years of some of the greatest sitcoms television has ever seen, with author and commentator Martin Gitlin via Zoom and sponsored by the Waterbury Public Library. Gitlin will show chronological snippets from the great primetime line-up, and talk about the evolution of comedy and how sitcoms have evolved over the years in relevance, content and humor. Participants will also be challenged with sitcom trivia!
The Zoom presentation is based on Gitlin's book "The Greatest Sitcoms of all Time." Gitlin is the only author to have ranked the greatest sitcoms ever produced. (There are a number of wide-ranging criteria.) Come join us for a hilarious evening. You'll be glad you did.
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMudeitrDwuHtEaKhVdhyc-A8FUTrCAOcLU for the Zoom program on Saturday evening, December 15th at the primetime hour of 8 PM.
Jan 11, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
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