Our online Silent Auction is to benefit 2 great causes this season, Brendon P Cousino Med47 Foundation and the Otter Swim Team.
You can see and bid on all the great items at:
Items will start being listed Thanksgiving day and added daily, so keep checking in.
Check us out for those names on your holiday shopping list. Hundreds of great gifts to bid on. Toys, games, jewelry, perfume, men's gifts, gift certificates, cozy pack gift bags, handmade gifts by local artisans, lift tickets, and oh so much more!
Auction ends Thursday, Dec 2nd at 8:00pm sharp. Items can be picked up at the Craft Fair & Holiday Shoppe at the Monkton Fire Dept Dec 4th. Other arrangements can be made after that.
Check it out and support two great causes!
Dec 20, 2024, 7 to 9 PM
50/50 Raffle & Date Night Basket RaffleDec 21, 2024, 8 AM
Contra Dance on the Longest Night, at the Grange Hall!Dec 21, 2024, 8 to 11 PM