Green Drinks–Vermont's Lost Lady Beetles
Thursday December 16th, 5:30 PM
Location: virtual
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What do you think of when you imagine a ladybug (officially known as a lady beetle)? Is it red with black spots? Many people are familiar with the species that commonly congregates inside our homes in the winter (the invasive Asian Lady Beetle), but there are actually at least 42 species that have been recorded in Vermont alone! Lady beetles can be different sizes and colors, ranging from black to yellow to red. They can be found in fields, forests, shrubland, swamps, and right in your backyard. Unfortunately, many native lady beetle species populations across the country are in decline, due to the introduction of non-native lady beetle species, land use change, and pesticides. Vermont appears to be experiencing declines as well. Currently, 12 of Vermont's native lady beetle species have not been seen in over 40 years. The Vermont Center for Ecostudies has launched the Vermont Lady Beetle Atlas, a project of the Vermont Atlas of Life, to learn about the current state of Vermont's lady beetle populations.
Join us for a virtual presentation to learn more about Vermont's lady beetles, led by Vermont Center for Ecostudies ECO Americorps volunteer Julia Pupko. Learn how you can participate in finding Vermont's lost lady beetles: it's easy, fun, and will advance our understanding of how to conserve the native species of lady beetles living in our state.