Woodbury Community Library
Board of Trustees Special Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 22, 2021, 9:30 AM — 10:45 AM
This meeting will be held at the Woodbury Community Library. Attendees must wear a mask. According to the Vermont Department of Health: "The Health Department also currently recommends wearing a mask in public indoor settings because a significant number of Vermonters remain unvaccinated and the more transmissible Delta variant is still spreading. The need to wear a mask indoors is expected to be temporary, while vaccination levels increase and the Delta variant surge ends. Wearing a mask helps protect you and the people around you from getting or spreading COVID-19. A mask helps contain your respiratory droplets and can keep them from reaching other people. COVID-19 can spread even if a person does not have any symptoms. This is how we reduce spread of the virus and outbreaks in our communities, schools and businesses." (For current guidance, see https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19.)
9:30 AM Begin
• Additions/Changes to the agenda
• Public Comment
• Executive Session – To evaluate the Library Director (1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(3))
• Report and/or Action Relating to Executive Session
• Further Review of COVID-19 Policy
10:40 AM Wrap-up
• Confirm time and place of next regular meeting
10:45 AM Adjourn
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