Colchester Food Shelf Information for This Week

Past event
Nov 17, 2021, 12 to 6 PM

WEDNESDAY, November 17th : FOOD SHELF HOURS: 12noon to 6pm.

At this time, we ask that when visiting the Food Shelf, please WEAR A MASK. Volunteers are also wearing masks. We want to keep everyone safe, visitor and volunteer alike.

Remember These Dates if you are signing up for Thanksgiving turkey/fixings: Hours for picking up Thanksgiving turkey/fixings: Monday, November 22nd 11am-2pm and 4pm to 6pm. Tuesday, November 23rd 10am to 1pm. You must have signed up prior to November 22nd ,and you must be a current client of the Colchester Food Shelf.

We will be CLOSED on Wednesday, November 24th!

Please bring your Proof of Residency when you visit the Food Shelf for the first time if you have not been to the Food Shelf in 2021 or if you have been instructed to bring documentation during your last visit. Documentation should be a bill, such as a utility bill, insurance bill, etc. but not a driver's license or car registration.

THANKSGIVING DONATIONS: We are reaching out to community members once again for turkeys and dinner fixings items. (Turkeys 12-14 pounds preferred; scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole ingredients, gravy, cranberry sauce and stuffing) We will be open Saturday – November 20th from 10am-1pm for donations. Other grocery donations are also welcome. If Saturday is not convenient for you, we are open this Wednesday – for your convenience, park at Claussens in space closest to the Food Shelf.


THANK YOU from the Volunteers and Clients.

• Physical Location: 245 Main Street between Claussens and Union Memorial School.
• Mailing address: P. O. Box 625 Colchester VT 05446
• Questions: Web Site: or

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