A Bethel Economy for All: Roundtable Conversations

Past event
Nov 17, 12:30 PM to 1 PM, Nov 19, 2021

You're Invited!
Bethel has just launched an exciting community planning process, called Bethel for All. Over the course of the next year, we're creating a village accessibility plan that will help us ensure our community is accessible, connected, vibrant, and welcoming for all. DuBois & King of Randolph is leading a consultant team that includes Arnett Muldrow (economic development consultants) and Direct Access (accessibility consultants). See our info sheet for more details on this project. We're excited to welcome Tripp Muldrow of Arnett Muldrow for an economic development site visit (Nov 17-19). We're reaching out to let you know about his visit and invite you to participate and share your experiences and ideas about our local economy. Will you join us for a conversation?

Please RSVP (https://forms.gle/krespJBfPNLPCxkd9) if you're interested in roundtable conversations. We'll post info on the
Bethel Community Forum Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/bethelcommunityforum) and www.bethelforall.org. This project is focused
on Bethel village, so some sessions are geared toward the village economy, but others are relevant for area businesses and leaders.

The Bethel for All Steering Committee is organizing a series of informal roundtable
conversations. You're invited us to join us for one or more, to share your experiences
and connect with others. These conversations will be in person, locations TBD.

Bethel Economy for All Roundtable | Weds 11/17 (6:30-7:30)
Kickoff conversation with Tripp Muldrow and the Bethel for All Steering
Committee; area businesses and leaders welcome

Self-Employed, Solopreneurs & Small Biz Brown Bag Lunch Roundtable
Thurs 11/18 (12-1)
Informal roundtable and networking lunch for small business owners, cottage and
hobby businesses around Bethel

Village Businesses & Merchants Roundtable | Thurs 11/18 (4-5 PM)| at Arnold Block
Informal roundtable for businesses, merchants and service providers in Bethel's
downtown/village area

Village Property Owners Roundtable | Thurs 11/18 (5:30-6:30 PM)| at Arnold Block
Informal roundtable for retail, commercial and rental housing building owners in
Bethel's downtown / village area

Outdoor Recreation Economy Roundtable & VOREC grant info session |
Thurs 11/18 (7-8:30 PM)
Open roundtable for anyone interested in growing an outdoor recreation
economy in Bethel. We'll share info and ask for feedback on our upcoming
application to the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economy Collaborative.

Remote Worker Brown Bag Lunch Roundtable | Fri 11/19 (12-1 PM)
Informal roundtable and networking lunch for people who live in Bethel and work
remotely, or businesses and facilities supporting them.

For more information visit www.bethelforall.org

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