Williston Selectboard Meeting - Nov. 16

Past event
Nov 16, 2021, 7 PM

The Williston Selectboard will meet on Tuesday, November 16th at 7 PM. The Town is now offering a hybrid meeting set-up for public participation. Attend the meeting in-person at the Beckett/McGuire Meeting Room at Town Hall, or by using the video conference platform zoom. Please note, due to the rise in COVID cases all in person meeting attendees will be required to wear a mask whether vaccinated against COVID or not as an added precaution. Copied below is a summary of the meeting agenda.

The agenda packet for the meeting, and information how to connect to the meeting using zoom can be viewed on the Town website at the following link: https://www.town.williston.vt.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={71A8FD02-21EF-49EE-B6CA-C3F[...]EC}

Williston Selectboard Agenda - November 16, 2021
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes - November 2, 2021
3. Public Comment - General Issues
4. Opioid Distributor Lawsuit Settlement- Consider joining settlement agreement
5. Public Hearing - Development Bylaw Amendments- Hold public hearing to receive comments on amendments
6. Development Bylaw Amendments- Consider approving proposed amendments to bylaw
7. Interviews/Appointments- Interview and consider candidates for Energy Committee
8. Fire Department Staffing- Discuss options and planning for Fire Department staffing
9. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Update- Receive update on funding structure and options to consider
10. Personnel Policy Update- OSHA ETS COVID-19 Vaccination- Discuss options for policy update under Federal regulations
11. Mud Pond Conservation Area Management Plan- Consider approving management plan as drafted by Conservation Commission for Mud Pond Conservation Area
12. Regional Emergency Management Committee Appointment- Consider staff appointment to new regional committee
13. Manager's Report
14. Other Business
15. Adjournment

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