Americanism vs Marxism Symposium

Past event
Nov 27, 2021, 9 AM to 2 PM

Windham County Republicans are hosting a symposium sponsored by Vermonters 4 Vermont on the subject of Americanism VS Marxism on Saturday Nov 27th 9-2. The meeting location is Whetstone Church 28 Birge Street in Brattleboro VT. Bring a lunch or use nearby restaurants during 45 min. lunch break.

Part 1` Distinguishing Characteristics
Part 2: Historical Spiritual Roots
Part 3: How Marxism invaded the USA
Part 4: How to strengthen Americanism and oppose Marxism in the USA
Part 5: How to do the same in Vermont

Registration is required. To register:
Email us at or
Contact "Vermonters for Vermont" at 802.417.7734 &

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