West River Valley Thrives (Thrives) is hosting a community meeting on Monday November 15th from 4 – 5 pm via Zoom.
Thrives works to promote healthy communities by engaging residents in the prevention of substance use by young people. Our strategies include: providing information, training leaders, organizing activities, and addressing community norms, design, and policies. Our work is guided by the needs of the communities we serve - Townshend, Brookline, Newfane, Marlboro, Wardsboro, Windham and Jamaica.
Please join us this Monday to hear updates from the staff and to share with us the opportunities and challenges you are seeing in your town.
At 5pm, attendees are invited to stay for a Narcan training, during which we will be taught how to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and administer Narcan, a nasal spray version of the drug naloxone, the opioid overdose reversal drug. The virtual training takes about 30 minutes.
Contact Meg for more information and/or to receive an agenda and Zoom link.
Phone: (802) 365-4700