Put a flower in your hair or on your bike. Wear that awesome Hawaiian
shirt. Get creative! This month we celebrate the emergence of Spring and
the beautiful flowers that come with it.
Theme: Flower Ride
Date: Friday 5/30/2014, rain or shine
When: Meet @ 7:30PM, Ride @ 8:00PM
Where: City Hall Park, Northwest Corner of City Hall where the Farmer's
Market secure bike parking sets up
Route: http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/410976934
! This is a night ride, bring lights !
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The Burlington Walk/Bike Council meets on the fourth Thursday of each month in Conference Room 12 of Burlington City Hall (located in the basement at the Main Street end of the building). All are invited and encouraged to attend. Free food is provided. For more information, visit www.burlingtonwalkbike.org.