Would you like to know more about broadband service to your home or business? Residents from Corinth are invited to a meeting to learn more about broadband service and plans. Neighbors from adjacent towns are welcome!
Speakers will include:
- Topsham Telephone's General Manager, Bryan Marteeny
- ECFiber's Board Chair, F.X. Flinn and
- Vermont Department of Public Service, Division of Telecommunications and Connectivity, Clay Purvis, Director.
(Consolidated Communications has also been invited.)
The conversation will be moderated by Corinth Selectboard member Nick Kramer. Topics will include the benefits and challenges of fiber broadband networks in Corinth, both existing and planned, and phone service on a fiber network. Service pricing will be discussed.
To help us organize areas of interest, please send your questions to hollygroschner@gmail.com ASAP
The one-hour meeting is Tuesday, November 16th at 7pm. A limited number of masked participants may join in person at the Corinth Town Hall or you can join the meeting on Zoom by clicking this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87951760402?pwd=YyszaDhMTGxwRTNtcHVuM3RHV1ZPQT09
Brought to you by the Corinth Fiber Initiative.