Hearts that beat in rhythm can heal the world. Join us for a moving healing ceremony and musical celebration as we synchronize our hearts and send out healing medicine to all beings. Performance by Lakota Longwalker, (Tsalagi) Cherokee composer, guitarist, Native flautist, stone sculptor, and Native American flute maker. Lakota was nominated for the Native American musician award in 1999 and 2009, and his album "New Tradition" peaked at #13 on public radio charts. In 2014 he suffered a severe neuromuscular injury which halted his musical career for many years. During this time he describes the state of returning back into the chrysalis, and he is now re-emerging as a new being with enlightened music.
Bring a percussion instrument to join in the musical celebration.
Light refreshments after ceremony and celebration.
Cost: $60.00 Tickets available at https://www.mayacenter.org/programs
Mar 4, 2025, 6 PM
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