Town Plan Supports Affordable Housing Committee

Past event
Nov 15, 2021, 6 PM

The Draft 2020-2030 Town Plan includes the following in its Implementation Plan.

"This plan therefore supports the Selectboard creating an affordable housing committee that is charged with promoting the creation of new affordable housing, and suggesting what incentives might be offered to help developers to do so."

The Morristown Selectboard is interested in your comments on the Draft Town Plan. If you have comments you'd like to share regarding an affordable housing committee bring them to the public hearing.

Draft 2020-2030 Town Plan:[...]pdf

Morristown Selectboard initial public hearing:
TIME & DATE: 6:00 P.M. on 15 November 2021
PLACE: The Community Room of the old Tegu Theater, 43 Portland St, Morrisville

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