The Grand Isle Board of Civil Authority (BCA) is holding a public meeting on Tuesday, November 9 at 6:00 PM to accept feedback on the proposed changes to the Vermont House districts. It will be held at the Grand Isle Town Office (masks required.) Zoom or telephone attendance is available.
Every ten years, after the census, Vermont legislative districts are adjusted in response to population changes. An independent board, the Legislative Apportionment Board (LAB), makes initial proposals. These are circulated to each town for feedback from each BCA. A revised plan will then be sent to the Vermont Legislature which can accept or modify the plan. The Legislature enacts the final plan.
The current proposal from the LAB, received on October 20, splits the current district (Alburgh, Isle La Motte, North Hero, Grand Isle, South Hero, and West Milton) into two districts. The division is through Grand Isle, with the northwest 1/3 of the town grouped with Alburgh and the other northern towns, and the south/east 2/3 of the town grouped with West Milton and South Hero.
The Grand Isle BCA invites public comment on the proposal. Feedback to the LAB is due on November 15. The BCA intends to adopt a formal response at this meeting.
Overall information about redistricting:
Zoom meeting link:
Call in:
(929) 205 6099
Meeting ID: 881 2689 1260
Passcode: 939363
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