Garage Sale, Oak Creek Dr. May 23-24

Past event
May 23 to 24, 2014

Garage Sale Memorial Day Weekend: Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th of May, 9:00 to 3:30, happening rain or shine, at 5 Oak Creek Drive in South Burlington. Items include ski equipment, snowshoes, winter jackets, jewelry, Hoover vacuum, name brand hair styling tools, home decor, clothing, kitchen supplies, kid’s items, games/puzzles, Vera Bradley handbag, Fenton glassware, Madame Alexander dolls, Marie Osmond Porcelain dolls, Collectible Bears (Steiff, VT Teddy Bear), fax machine, Cedar Works Playset, and many other miscellaneous items. There will be multiple homes in the neighborhood having a garage sale this weekend.

Location: 5 Oak Creek Drive is in the Fox Run/Butler Farms Development off Hwy 116 (Hinesburg Rd) in South Burlington.

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