Hinesburg Conservation Commission Meeting

Past event
Nov 9, 2021, 7 to 9 PM

Hinesburg Conservation Commission Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, November 9, 2021 – 7:00 PM

Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 853 0305 8417
Passcode: 321494

Dial in (audio): (929) 205-6099

1. Call to order – 7:00 PM
2. Additions/Deletions to agenda – 7:01 PM
3. Public Comment for non-agenda items – 7:02 PM
4. Wakeboats – presentation and discussion; see materials at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6k030zitja8tln7/AACx6h0L7YSdVzo8iEvMFdVqa?dl=0 — 7:05 PM
5. Geprags Park – discuss emailed request from VGS, mowing – 8:00 PM
6. Annual report – 8:20 PM
7. DRB updates & discuss protocol – 8:30 PM
8. Education budget update – 8:45 PM
9. Review minutes of October 12, 2021 – 8:50 PM
10. Nature Notes – 8:55 PM
11. Adjourn – 9:00 PM

The Conservation Commission has two vacant seats. Come join us for a meeting or two and see if you might be interested in joining!

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