On November 11th the Colchester Milton Rotary will hold two separate Veterans Day Celebrations. The purpose of these events is to celebrate and recognize all of our local heroes in the community. These include our veterans as well as medical workers, first responders, all essential workers, teachers, and our local neighbors who have supported our community during the pandemic.
For the past year, Colchester/Milton Rotary has sponsored "Operation Flags for Heroes" to honor our many community heroes and to raise funds for Rotary community initiatives.
Flags for Heroes allows sponsors to have a US flag prominently displayed in the community with a plaque honoring the sponsor's hero. This program has grown during the first year from just twenty flags in one location when we first began on Veterans Day of 2020 to over 100 flags in three locations within the Colchester/Milton area.
The first celebration will be held at 10 am at the flag display at RR Charlebois Trucking on Rte. 7 South in Milton and the second celebration will be held at noon at the flag display adjacent to Dick Mazza's General Store located at 777 West Lakeshore Drive in Colchester.
Invited guests include honored heroes, members of the local Police Departments, Fire Departments, Rescue Squads, Vermont National Guard, and town and state officials, along with interested community members and sponsors of the project.
Please come out on Veterans Day to celebrate and honor our wonderful veterans and our amazing community heroes!
Mar 6, 2025, 6 PM
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