Pownal Town Hall Overage: $201,257?

Past event
Nov 4, 2021, 7 to 9 PM

The Pownal Select Board have called for a Special Meeting tomorrow (Thursday). Included on the agenda is "Town Hall Update".

In the October 28, 2021 meeting packet there is a document dated 27-Oct-21 with numbers pertaining to the Town Hall Budget, Total Cost, Payments and Overage.

The Overage Amount is showing $201,257. The document is also showing the Remaining Amount to complete the project is $413,740 with only $212,483 left in monies available to fund the project.

During the October 28th meeting it was mentioned the estimates included $25,000 in contingency costs and there will be an additional $25,000 in funding earmarked from the Pownal Historical Society. This would leave a [projected] overage of $150,000 if the contingency is not used and the Historical society funds are received. No mention was made as to whether the build-out costs where the Historical Society will be housed is included in the document.

Not including $35,077.15 in pre-construction costs, the Phase I and Phase II estimates are now coming in at $1,097,397.10 for the Town Hall.

I agree we need a new Town Hall and I am excited at the progress that has been made. But there are a few questions that need answers as to on how this project will be paid for.

Here is the link to the meeting agenda which includes the zoom link (https://www.townofpownal.org/uploads/1/3/7/4/137413037/11042021_selectboard_agenda.pdf).

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