Update from the COP26: How can Vermont contribute to a global climate solution?
State Representative Dan and Amy Noyes will be hosting a 40 minute Zoom session at 11:15am EST this Thursday 11/4 with NVU students and members of the public about climate change. Dan will be speaking to us from the COP26 -- the United Nations climate conference currently being held in Glasgow, Scotland. The session will include a short update followed by a Q&A. This event is open to the public. Please mute upon entering. The event will be recorded.
Please direct any questions to Lucia Green-Weiskel @ lxg10220@nvu.vsc.edu
Topic: Dan and Amy Noyes -- update from the COP26
Time: Nov 4, 2021 11:15 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 864 1141 3080
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