In response to reports of lengthy wait times for medical appointments, the State of Vermont has launched an interagency investigation into health access across the state.
In partnership with health providers, advocates, independent experts, and community members, the investigative team will study excessive health service wait times and report its findings and recommendations to the Vermont Legislature.
For questions or to submit your own experience of a long wait for a health appointment, please contact:
Public Listening Sessions
The investigative team wants to hear from Vermonters who have experienced long wait times for health services. In partnership with Vermont's Health Care Advocate, the investigation has organized two public listening sessions for community members to share how delayed care has impacted their lives. Members of the investigative team will moderate the discussion.
These virtual listening sessions are open to the general public. We encourage speakers to keep comments relatively brief and to be mindful of sharing sensitive personal medical information.
A recording of each session will be transcribed and appended to the investigation's final report to the Legislature. All transcribed attendee comments will be anonymous unless otherwise requested by the speaker.
Listening Session 2
Time & Date: 12pm to 2pm — Thursday, November 4, 2021
To register and sign up for a speaking slot:[...]ch=
To watch the listening session:[...]rue
For more information:
Listening sessions will be conducted using Microsoft Teams. We strongly encourage attendees to download the Teams application prior to joining the listening session and to mute upon joining.
For more information, consult these Consumer Resources to Help Locate Available Health Care Providers:
Investigative Team
Agency of Human Services
Mike Smith, Secretary of Human Services
Ena Backus, Director of Health Care Reform (Investigation Lead)
Wendy Trafton, Deputy Director of Health Care Reform
Green Mountain Care Board
Kevin Mullin, Chairman
Susan Barrett, Executive Director
Professor Jessica Holmes, Board Member
Michele Degree, Health Policy Project Director
Department of Financial Regulation
Michael Pieciak, Commissioner
Isaac Dayno, Special Assistant to the Commissioner (Investigation Project Manager)
Kevin Gaffney, Deputy Commissioner of Insurance
Emily Brown, Director of Rates & Forms
Sebastian Arduengo, Assistant General Counsel
Investigation Partners
Office of the Health Care Advocate
Oliver Wyman Consulting
Risk & Regulatory Consulting
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