Equity & Diversity Committee Meeting - New Zoom Link!

Past event
Nov 1, 2021, 6 to 7 PM

Due to an amazing amount of civic engagement on Monday evenings (many Committees meeting), Shelburne has maxed out its Zoom account for Mondays. Please find a NEW, IMPROVED Zoom link in the revised agenda below. Thank you!

When: Monday, November 1, 2021, 6:00pm

Equity and Diversity Committee - Town of Shelburne
Hybrid Meeting: Zoom & In-Person
Physical Location: Basement of Pierson Library, Old Town Hall

Meeting ID: 811 7330 2725
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

· 6:00pm – Start
o Welcome
o Approval of Agenda
o Approval of minutes from the last meeting, 10.15.21:
o Public comments
o Welcome new members, introduce ourselves, why we do this work
o Discuss recruitment for new town employee member to the committee;
Invitation to Apply on website (Erika)
o Update from Middlebury Selectboard member Lindsey Fuentes-George
& VLCT (Patricia)
o Discuss Budget Presentation to Selectboard on 11/9
o Planning for Equity Virtual Summit (Saturday, November 6, 2021,
o Determine facilitator/ agenda for next time
· 7:00pm - Adjourn

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