Pittsford Meeting Oct. 27

Past event
Oct 27, 2021, 9 AM

There is an open meeting at 9:00AM on Wednesday October 27th at the Pittsford Mobil Station, the site of a road redesign that has been viewed by many as being far more dangerous than the current design. The meeting is between the Town, VTRANS, and the Act 250 Review Board. This meeting has far reaching implications on the future layout of the intersection of Route 7 and Route 3 in historic Pittsford Mills. 10% of the Pittsford residents have signed a petition requesting that VTRANS does not dramatically change the layout of the intersection while replacing the bridge. I urge all Pittsford residents to attend this meeting as well as those who regularly drive this section of Route 7/Route 3. This could be the last time we as a town can weigh in on this change that will impact the look and safety of our town for the next generation. Thank you for your consideration.

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