Help the Upper Valley Plan for Climate Change Migration

Past event
Nov 9, 2021, 6 to 8 PM

As climate change causes temperatures to rise and the environment to become more arid, northern New England is expected to be among the most desirable places to live. How do we plan for climate change migration in the Upper Valley? How do we make it a plus for our region and its people, both established and newcomers?

Join the Upper Valley Adaptation Workgroup for the free, online community forum:

Planning for a Just, Prosperous, and Resilient Future with Climate Change Migration
Tuesday, Nov. 9, 6 to 8 pm

Further details and registration at

This event starts with an intro to the topic by expert Elena Mihaly of the VT Conservation Law Foundation then is structured to hear from all the participants. Bring your questions, concerns, hopes. UVAW will use the forum to guide more programs on this vital topic.

Hosted by the Upper Valley Adaptation Workgroup (UVAW) and Vital Communities.

Further details and registration at

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