Public Hearing Thursday: New Town Energy Plan

Past event
Oct 28, 2021, 6 PM

What will it take for Middlesex to reduce its energy consumption and CO2 emissions in order to do its part to meet the State climate goals? Middlesex is writing a new energy plan that goes into the details -- on how best to heat our homes, how we move around, and how much renewable electricity we can generate, among other things.

The plan is still a draft, and the Planning Commission wants to hear your opinion on this important document. Join the public hearing this Thursday, October 28, at 6 PM.

Read the plan and related material here:

Public Hearing, October 28, 6 PM
Location: Middlesex Town Hall and on Zoom
Meeting ID: 851 0779 3516
Join by phone: (646) 558-8656 with above Meeting ID

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