Ash Tree Inventory / Eab Awareness Event

Past event
May 17, 2014, 1 to 3:30 PM

SATURDAY, MAY 17th, 1pm-3:30pm
Cambridge Elementary School

Our first official inventory-tracking event! Hop on the bus with the Cambridge Conservation Commission as we educate about the Emerald Ash Borer and why this is something we should be aware of. There will be opportunity for Q&A during this time. We could even get off the bus and get better acquainted with the ash tree from the ground. From then on, be prepared to get some of our roads checked off the Ash Inventory list. We will be marking trees with purple tape, so if you see some trees marked (currently there are some trees on North Cambridge and Lower Pleasant Valley Roads) then those are ash trees that are in the right of way of a town road or infrastructure and are in danger of inhabiting the EAB and then dying. It's best if we are aware of those trees ahead of time so we can harvest them now before they become diseased.

Of course, you will get the more in-depth story on Saturday - so hop on the bus! Families encouraged!

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