Virtual Community Conversation: Town Hall

Past event
Oct 21, 2021, 7 PM

Our VIRTUAL program is tomorrow!

The Town Hall Committee will host this last public meeting to engage the community in this discussion:

Preserve the Past, Embrace the Future

The Moretown Town Hall, built in 1835, has been the heart and soul of our town for close to 200 years. Realizing that this beloved building needed some upgrades, the Moretown Selectboard created the Town Hall Committee and tasked the group with exploring how to best revitalize the building and look for new possibilities that would allow more residents to enjoy this amazing space.

The committee has been working since March 2021. Our goal is to preserve this beautiful,
historic building for the current and future residents of Moretown. We have reached out to the community and heard that people would like to see multiple uses for this building. We agree! As a first step, the committee identified basic repairs that are essential to the health of the building and to ensuring that the Town Hall is accessible to all.

Our work has consisted of identifying the needs of the building in 4 categories: Accessibility, Life/Safety Code, Water Mitigation, & Energy Efficiency.

We will lead you in a virtual "tour" of the proposed Town Hall updates ~ see for yourself what this could look like! Join us for a conversation about the needs of this beautiful building! Contribute to our community's vision for our historic town hall!

Join us virtually, via Zoom ~ THURSDAY October 21st at 7:00pm

Help the Town Hall Celebrate Its 200th Birthday and Beyond~
We look forward to seeing you!

To log in to the Zoom this THURSDAY:::

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Meeting ID: 840 3172 9379
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